Mon 27 Jan
Mature Leggy Blond Sweetheart available to come to you - for the discreet gentleman - 42
(Beverly Hills, Greater LA area and beyond, Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, Ventura)
* * WORSHiP THE SEXiEST 34DD BLoNde *_* MiSTRESS * FanTaSY / FeTisH * Fully Equipped * NeW in ToWn - 23
(Agoura HiLL ~ Woodland Hills ~ Westlake)
Last Chance In Thousand OAKS until 1pm ONLY___ Reliable_____ 100% REAL _____ Credit Cards Accepted
(Thousand Oaks Incall or Outcall)
SexY BrOwN BeLiZeAn In ToWn FrOm ~~ I hAvE BeEn VeRY ArE YoU ReAdY To SpAnK Me - 19
(Ventura, Thousand Oaks (101 fwy))
(Ventura, Encino Reseda sherman oaks tarzana)
💋❤💋—— 💋❤💋[[ GORGeOUs ]] 💋❤💋[[BeAuTiFul ]]💋❤💋[[ SUPER SEXY ]] 💋❤💋——💋❤💋[[ READY NOW ]] 💋❤ - - 21
(Ventura, incalls/outcalls)
Come *~* Over *~* And *~* A *~* Have *~* A *~* Dink *~* With *~* Me!! - 32
(Ventura, Ventura Private Incall/ Out everywhere)
All NATURAL- slender ***BuSTy BaBe!! *34FF* !! Local FAVorite.... highly reviewed & independent - 29
(Ventura, camarillo)
Mature Leggy Blond Sweetheart available to come to you - for the discreet gentleman - 42
(Beverly Hills, Greater LA area and beyond, Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, Ventura)
Fri 10 Jan
Gentlemen's Dominican Barbie!Available Now! (Santa Clarita, Valencia) Incall Specials - 22
(Santa Clarita, Castaic, Santa Clarita, Valencia, Saugus)
❇🔹B E A U T I F U L 🔹B L O N D E 🔹B O M B S H E L L 🔹❇ 100% REAL - 21
(THOUSAND OAKS NEWBURY💦My place or yours, Ventura)
Thu 09 Jan
️️😍🍫😍80QV😉 Hey guys Chocolate here NEW in town come relax with me ‼️😍🍫😍🍫😍😉‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ - 23
(405fwy,Northhills,Panoramacity,sepulveda, Ventura)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
100SPECIAL *Nice&Tight;* Exotic Beauty *SENSUAL SEDUCTIVE GODDESS* Soothing Sessions - 21
(Ventura, Camarillo)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
**Classy & Petite ASIAN Doll in Newbury Park (Thousand Oaks) - 25
(Ventura, Thousand Oaks/ Newbury Park)
Fri 03 Jan
Would you like Tylie to be your Sexy Lady Tonight!??? Last chance in Cam!! - 35
(Ventura, In call Camarrillo out near area's)
Thu 02 Jan