- Poster's age : 21
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- City : Ventura
- Location : Ventura, OxNaRd, VeNtUrA, cAmArIlLo, EtC.....
BLoNdE hAiReD, LoNg lEgGed LaTiNa AnD wHiTe HuErItA!!!! $100 SpC HaBlA eSpAnOl - 20
Posted : Wednesday, January 08, 2025 01:30 PM | 1 views
HoLa PaPi CoMo EsTaS!! LeTs Go To ExTaSy BaBi!! LeT mE pLeAsE yOu!! iLl MaKe SuRe YoUlL wAnT 2 MeEt AgAiN!! Im A nAtUrAl PeOpLe PlEaSeR!! !! EvErY pEnNy WeLl SpEnT!! HeHe... So WiTh ThAt BeinG sAiD QuIt waIsTiNg YoUr tiMe AnD gIvE mE a CaLL!!!
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